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Recent & representative publications are summarized below. For a complete list, please see our PubMed index
Suarez, G.O., Kumar, D.S., Brunner, H., Knauss, A., Barrios, J., Emel, J., Teel, J., Botero, V., Broyles, C., Stahl, A., Bidaye, S., Tomchik, S.M. Neurofibromin deficiency alters the patterning and prioritization of motor behaviors in a state-dependent manner. J Neurosci, in press.
Botero V, Tomchik SM. (2024) Unraveling neuronal and metabolic alterations in neurofibromatosis type 1. J Neurodev Disord 16:49.
Suarez GO, Kumar DS, Brunner H, Emel J, Teel J, Knauss A, Botero V, Broyles CN, Stahl A, Bidaye SS, Tomchik SM. (2024) Neurofibromin deficiency alters the patterning and prioritization of motor behaviors in a state-dependent manner. bioRxiv [preprint] 2024.08.08.607070.
Villa S, Dwivedi P, Stahl A, Hinkle T, Rose CM, Kirkpatrick DS, Tomchik SM, Dixit VM, Wolf FW. (2024) OTUD6 deubiquitination of RPS7/eS7 on the free 40 S ribosome regulates global protein translation and stress. Nat Commun 15:6873.
Stahl A, Tomchik SM. (2024) Modeling neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders in the Drosophila mushroom body. Learn Mem 31:a053816.
Brown EB, Zhang J, Lloyd E, Lanzon E, Botero V, Tomchik SM, Keene AC. (2023) Neurofibromin 1 mediates sleep depth in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics 19:e1011049.
Boto T, Tomchik SM. (2023) Functional imaging of learning-induced plasticity in the central nervous system with genetically-encoded reporters in Drosophila. Cold Spring Harb Protoc, doi: 10.1101/pdb.top107799.
Boto T, Tomchik SM. (2023) Imaging olfactory learning-induced plasticity in vivo in the Drosophila brain. Cold Spring Harb Protoc, doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot108135.
Boto T, Tomchik SM. (2023) Ex vivo brain imaging in Drosophila. Cold Spring Harb Protoc, doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot108136.
Brown EB, Zhang J, Lloyd E, Lanzon E, Botero V, Tomchik SM, Keene AC. (2022) Neurofibromin 1 mediates sleep depth in Drosophila. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2022.09.15.508161.
Stahl A, Noyes N, Boto T, Botero V, Broyles CN, Jing M, Zeng J, King LB, Li Y, Davis RL, Tomchik SM. (2022) Associative learning drives longitudinally-graded presynaptic plasticity of neurotransmitter release along axonal compartments. Elife 11:e76712
Kaldun JC, Lone SR, Humbert Camps AM, Stein JV, Tomchik SM, Sprecher SG. (2021) Dopamine, sleep, and neuronal excitability modulate Ab-mediated forgetting in Drosophila. PLOS Biology 19:e3001412.
Botero V, Stanhope B, Brown EB, Murphy KR, Grenci EC, Boto T, Park S, King LB, Colodner KJ, Keene AC, Ja WW, Tomchik SM. (2021) Nf1 regulates metabolic rate via neuronal mechanisms in Drosophila. Nat Commun 12:4285.
Stahl A, Noyes N, Boto T, Jing M, Zeng J, King LB, Li Y, Davis RL, Tomchik SM. (2021) Associative learning drives longitudinally-graded presynaptic plasticity of neurotransmitter release along axonal compartments. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.06.08.447536.
Botero V, Stahl B, Murphy KR, Grenci EC, Boto T, Park S, King LB, Colodner KJ, Keene AC, Ja WW, Tomchik SM. (2020) Nf1 regulates metabolic rate via neuronal mechanisms in Drosophila. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/834788.
King LB, Boto T, Botero V, Walker JA, Tomchik SM (2020) Neurodevelopment of neurofibromatosis type 1 associated hyperactive grooming. PLOS Genetics 16(7): e1008920.
Boto T, Stahl A, Tomchik SM (2020) Cellular signaling and circuit plasticity underlying learning in Drosophila. J Neurogenet 34(1):36-46.
Boto T, Stahl A, Zhang X, Louis, T, Tomchik SM (2019) Independent contributions of discrete dopaminergic circuits to cellular plasticity, memory strength, and valence in Drosophila. Cell Reports 27: 2014-2021.
Boto T, Tomchik SM (2019) The excitatory, the inhibitory, and the modulatory: mapping chemical neurotransmission in the brain. Neuron 101: 763-765.
Louis T, Stahl A, Boto T, Tomchik SM (2018) Cyclic-AMP-dependent plasticity underlies rapid changes in odor coding associated with reward learning. PNAS 115(3): E448-E457.
Yu D, Tan Y, Chakraborty M, Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2018) Elongator complex is required for long-term olfactory memory formation in Drosophila. Learn Mem 25(4):183-196.
Murphy KR, Deshpande SA, Yurgel ME, Quinn JP, Weissbach JL, Keene AC, Dawson-Scully K, Huber R, Tomchik SM, Ja WW (2016) Postprandial sleep mechanics in Drosophila. eLife 5: e19334.
King LB, Koch M, Murphy K, Velazquez Y, Ja WW, Tomchik SM (2016) Neurofibromin Loss of Function Drives Excessive Grooming in Drosophila. G3 (Bethesda) 6: 1083-1093.
Louis T, Tomchik SM (2014) Neurons and behavior: Ex uno, plures. Cell 159: 714-715.
Boto T, Louis T, Jindachomthong K, Jalink K, Tomchik SM (2014) Dopaminergic modulation of cAMP drives nonlinear plasticity across the Drosophila mushroom body lobes. Curr Biol 24: 822–831.
Tomchik SM (2013) Dopaminergic neurons encode a distributed, asymmetric representation of temperature in Drosophila. J Neurosci 33: 2166-2176.
Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2013) Drosophila Memory Research through Four Eras. In R Menzel & PR Benjamin (Eds.), Invertebrate Learning and Memory (pp. 359-377). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2009) Dynamics of learning-related cAMP signaling and stimulus integration in the Drosophila olfactory pathway. Neuron 64: 510-521.
Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2008) Behavioural neuroscience: Out of sight, but not out of mind. Nature 453: 1192-1194.
Tomchik SM, Davis RL (2008) Cyclic AMP imaging sheds light on PDF signaling in circadian clock neurons. Neuron 58: 161-163.
Tomchik SM, Berg S, Kim JW, Chaudhari N, Roper SD (2007) Breadth of tuning and taste coding in mammalian taste buds. J Neurosci 27: 10840-10848.
Dvoryanchikov G, Tomchik SM, Chaudhari N (2007) Monoamine synthesis and uptake in taste buds. J Comp Neurol 503: 302-313.